Thursday, February 12, 2009


I finally announced today that I am departing from my journey here at Wipro. I have made a lot choices in the past 3 years, some which I regret and some which I am proud of. Ah! Where am I off to, am off to begin a new phase of my life, a life that I am sure I am looking forward to.

Though I am not that very fond of my days here, they have been the first days of my work life. I remember those days when I used to sit for hours working my bottoms [ass felt too vulgar ;)] off. I remember the pizzas and the night outs, the late evening coffees and the seldom witnessing of the evening sun, the early dawns, the blaring music in my ears, the boring afternoon meetings, the sleepy post lunches, the design arguments, the back biting, the pantry visits, the tributes to coffee day, the lazy sunday's, the hectic weekends, the funny forwards, morning e-mail, interesting or boring sessions, the very often remarks from my relatives - 'oh u are at wipro, thats awesome', or very very often remarks from friends - 'oh u are STILL at wipro', the frequent visits to the movie theatres, the bike rides, the car rides, yukee luncheons and well the list can go on and on!!

Feel free to add :D

In all it was a experience worth mentioning.


PS: I begin playing guitar today, joined some classes here at wipro ! ;)

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Slumdog Millionaire!!

A recent watch - Slumdog Millionaire, is creating quite a controversy.

I liked the movie, but nevertheless I truly believe we have produced far better ones. However, the director has done a fair job by knitting the pieces together and the direction of a few scenes are captivating. It opens the eyes of many a people, living in a world of shadow and a gossamer of illusion, that threatens to fall with with a single stroke. The movie has created an outcry from many sectors, who either badger the name of the movie, claiming that it is demeaning and some say it desecrates the picture of our beloved country. I do not see how that is true when in reality 60% of the people in India are living beneath the poverty line. If they really care, than let us see them visiting the largest slum in the world and help the poor. These people who cry about, writing blaring blogs, that no one has the right to create such an image, are the biggest hypocrites of all. Each day is a reminder to them and every single day of travel will show the poverty on the streets. If they really care, they would reflect on what stark reality the movie reveals and work towards something that can make a difference.

Vande Mataram!