Monday, March 1, 2010

I am the master of my soul


Out of the night that covers me,
Black as the pit from pole to pole,
I thank whatever gods may be
For my unconquerable soul.

In the fell clutch of circumstance
I have not winced nor cried aloud.
Under the bludgeonings of chance
My head is bloody, but unbowed.

Beyond this place of wrath and tears
Looms but the Horror of the shade,
And yet the menace of the years
Finds and shall find me unafraid.

It matters not how strait the gate,
How charged with punishments the scroll,
I am the master of my fate:
I am the captain of my soul.

This master piece was written by WIlliam Ernest Henry, who became a victim of bone tuberculosis at the age of 12.

To feel his pain, is incredible. It is not possible for a normal human to ever understand the meaning of these very verses. But, I hope someday, I do understand it - and become the captain of my soul, cause at this very moment, far from being a master - I am worse than a slave. Slave of my emotions, feelings, yearnings, ego and desires !

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Kelley it is !!

It has been an absolute delight to have started my journey at one of the amazing institutions in the United States - Kelley School of Business.

The last one week has been an adranline rush, with campus visits, lectures and intimidating students pursuing their second year at school.

As I write this I wonder - MSIS - Masters in managment information systems - a widely sought after field by many students worldwide - is it a hype - is it a reality?

The question that I know will haunt me till I know for sure.

Saturday, April 11, 2009


These crazy 4 boys -3rd graders - creatively corrupt in their language, make me laugh any time.

I wonder what would happen if such a series were to be introduced here in India, riots no doubt any time. The amount of poking and fun at each other and to all religions in the world - it takes no pride in human assault.

I must warn you that some episodes may get ugly and nasty and it is not for the emotionally imbalanced people.

Thursday, February 12, 2009


I finally announced today that I am departing from my journey here at Wipro. I have made a lot choices in the past 3 years, some which I regret and some which I am proud of. Ah! Where am I off to, am off to begin a new phase of my life, a life that I am sure I am looking forward to.

Though I am not that very fond of my days here, they have been the first days of my work life. I remember those days when I used to sit for hours working my bottoms [ass felt too vulgar ;)] off. I remember the pizzas and the night outs, the late evening coffees and the seldom witnessing of the evening sun, the early dawns, the blaring music in my ears, the boring afternoon meetings, the sleepy post lunches, the design arguments, the back biting, the pantry visits, the tributes to coffee day, the lazy sunday's, the hectic weekends, the funny forwards, morning e-mail, interesting or boring sessions, the very often remarks from my relatives - 'oh u are at wipro, thats awesome', or very very often remarks from friends - 'oh u are STILL at wipro', the frequent visits to the movie theatres, the bike rides, the car rides, yukee luncheons and well the list can go on and on!!

Feel free to add :D

In all it was a experience worth mentioning.


PS: I begin playing guitar today, joined some classes here at wipro ! ;)

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Slumdog Millionaire!!

A recent watch - Slumdog Millionaire, is creating quite a controversy.

I liked the movie, but nevertheless I truly believe we have produced far better ones. However, the director has done a fair job by knitting the pieces together and the direction of a few scenes are captivating. It opens the eyes of many a people, living in a world of shadow and a gossamer of illusion, that threatens to fall with with a single stroke. The movie has created an outcry from many sectors, who either badger the name of the movie, claiming that it is demeaning and some say it desecrates the picture of our beloved country. I do not see how that is true when in reality 60% of the people in India are living beneath the poverty line. If they really care, than let us see them visiting the largest slum in the world and help the poor. These people who cry about, writing blaring blogs, that no one has the right to create such an image, are the biggest hypocrites of all. Each day is a reminder to them and every single day of travel will show the poverty on the streets. If they really care, they would reflect on what stark reality the movie reveals and work towards something that can make a difference.

Vande Mataram!

Monday, January 26, 2009

Ushering the new year

Well, well, well - its the new year, may be not so new anymore since 26 days have already passed and India is celebrating its 60 years of being a republic. What does 60 years mean to this country? It has indeed emerged as one of the largest economic developing country of this era. And with the stature, comes a whole lot of woes, that are hidden away in the life of the common man.

60 years of being a republic means up to 8% economic growth, it means 1.5 billion people in this country, probably the most diverse race in this world, that speaks more than 18 national languages, and has people of all color, creed and religion. It is a miracle that we have made it so far and we, the people, need more than a miracle if we want to survive in the next few decades.

Just last evening, my mobile was stolen amidst a gathering! Bah was I not annoyed. Anyways the phone is having a mobile tracker, I am going to have the last laugh, when the thief puts in a new SIM - its going to trigger a message to an emergency number, which I have registered, that will contain the new number - a convenient software built in some Samsung phones. But I doubt if anyone is going to help me track him down.

To add to the days woes, something else happened. Last night, I filled the tank of my car up to 38 liters of petrol, to find soon after, that the car does not move more than 60km/hr and jerks so often that it gets really annoying. On consulting the mechanic today, he examines the car and after some time says with conviction after having a look at the petrol - "Sir, the petrol has been adulterated"

I am stunned, picturing shooting 'letters to the editors', half cursing beneath my breath, I was plain furious. I then proceeded to lodge a complaint about the phone and the petrol at the nearest police station. You can guess what happened next! Go on! Take a guess!

Ushered by a shabby inspector, I was told to go to the Commercial PS for the lost mobile and to the Audugodi PS for the complaint on the adulterated petrol. I looked at him with pleading eyes, which just elicited a response - "It ain't in our jurisdiction, Sir!". Police is to protect the people, for the people, but here it is 'run away from the people'. The inspector acknowledged that a case has already been registered against the notorious Hamsa Petrol Service [which btw is the one between Forum, Koramangala and Big Bazaar]. If its already known that the service station serves adulterated petrol, why is it still open? Why hasn't the police done anything to shut it down. I sign! Law is not as swift as it seems!

Tomorrow I will be proceeding to the Ford Service Center, get the required proof and proceed to the Hamsa Service Station, to challenge them and than lodge a formal complaint. Well you can almost guess what is going to happen tomorrow, its happened thousands of times before. But well, you never know!

Its been a sad turn of events, and am more hurt since I realize I am one of the million people who get duped everyday - autos, petrol, bad roads, no protection, poor medical facilities and what not, a list that can consume this blog and many more.

"What can a man do against such reckless hate!" - a dialogue said by the King of Rohan in LOTR - 2 on the verge of losing a battle. Only here, the war is against the common man.

Sunday, December 7, 2008

Redefining Absentism

How absent minded have you been?

Beat this one :)

Project over and after obtaining a release, I was clearly pleased and the excitement was evident on my face. Getting back to the city which I have grown to love, was definitely something to look forward for.

Chatting with my friend over dinner, we set out to the station to catch the 21:30 train to Bangalore. Discussion was on the current Wall Street collapse and effect it will have on us!

Almost at the station, I had a sudden revelation, something which was probably lingering in my sub-conscience, it popped up - poof. Where is my train ticket. Aaaaaugh, I checked my large plastic bag I was carrying that contained some books and large envelopes having my transcripts. Bah! I remembered giving a print out, and had forgotten to collect it, and that's what was hidden within the deep realms of my conscience, which decided to come out only when I am at the station.

Another neural surge and I remembered reading at the irctc website that failure to carry ticket would involve a fine of only Rs. 50/-, if you had your identification. My pal was still saying something about getting a print from a nearby browsing center.

I was still in the process of searching - since I remember having taken another copy earlier and probably hid it somewhere in the middle of tons of sheets which I was carrying, when another surge suggested, to look in my luggage. LUGGAGE?

Where is my god damn luggage. With a sinking feeling I swept the back of the Auto. No bag. It was peacefully resting in the luggage room back at office. I swore. Asked the Auto champ if it is possible to go and come back in time for the train. He looked at me incredulously, sensing that he was dealing with a mad person, and I was pretty sure he would say - 'Yeah sure, not to the Station but to the mental asylum'. When he realized that I had left the luggage at the office, his doubt vanished and he definitely knew he was dealing with a nitwit - 'You left your luggage? Hold on, you mean are you the one who is traveling and you left your luggage, even a fool will know he has to carry something when he is traveling'. I wished I could explain to him, that well the luggage was not with me, but in the luggage room and after dinner, I was so damn deep in discussion with my friend, that we just got out of office, walked up to the Auto Stand and pronto here we were!! But I knew no explanation would edge that disbelief he had on his face.

Well that's what happened, I walked out of our office to get to the station, left my ticket and luggage and very nonchalantly reached the station to catch the train.

Picture it and damn I still get the laughs when I think about it. ROFL.